Roy Trevino's motorcycle painting project, featuring Tamco Paint's Slick Silver Metallic and HooDoo VooDoo Candy Concentrate, showcases the transformative power of superior paint products and expert craftsmanship. The Slick Silver Metallic base provided a radiant foundation, while the HooDoo VooDoo Candy Concentrate layers brought vibrant brilliance and depth to the motorcycle's exterior. Roy's meticulous application techniques and the exceptional qualities of Tamco Paint's products culminated in a dazzling motorcycle makeover that reflects his skill and attention to detail. This project serves as a testament to the extraordinary possibilities of customization and the captivating impact of Tamco Paint's offerings on motorcycle aesthetics.

Painter: Roy Trevino

Tamco Products used for this look:

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

CandyConcentrateHoodoo-voodooSlick silver