Kent Henderson, a skilled painter, chose Tamco Paint's products to achieve a stunning finish on his project. His choice of OG Red Candy Concentrate suggests a bold and vibrant color choice, one that is sure to make a striking impression. To complement this, he opted for Cabernet Candy Pearl Basecoat, indicating a rich and dynamic color that will add depth and complexity to the final result. For a flawless and glossy finish that will protect and enhance the paintwork, Kent applied HC4100 Glamour Clearcoat. His attention to detail and selection of Tamco Paint's products likely resulted in a remarkable and professionally finished surface, showcasing his talent and expertise in the field of automotive painting.

Painter: Kent Henderson

Tamco Products used for this look:

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

CabernetHc4100Hr reducerOg redUrethane reducers