Michael Yocum showcased his painting expertise with a remarkable transformation of a 1959 Impala. To achieve a stunning and enduring finish, he meticulously followed a well-thought-out process, utilizing specific Tamco Paint products.

Starting with HP5310 Grey DTM Primer, Michael ensured a solid and smooth foundation for the paint job. The choice of Ford Burgundy Velvet for the color undoubtedly added a touch of elegance and sophistication to the classic Impala. To seal and protect the final finish, he applied HC2104 High Solids Clearcoat, enhancing gloss and durability. Michael's meticulous approach, combined with the use of premium Tamco Paint products, resulted in a breathtaking and timeless restoration of the 1959 Impala, highlighting his commitment to automotive excellence and attention to detail.


Painter: Michael Yocum

Tamco Products used for ths look:

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

Ford burgundy velvetHc2104Hp5310Hr reducerUrethane reducers