It’s no secret that Brandon Bass and his team have been hard at work to make this 2020’s Roger Richards Race Competition one of the most exciting in recent memory. We are proud to announce that their efforts have paid off – the drag race car they created for this competition is truly a sight to behold! This ride looks clean, sleek, and has some insane details on it. In order for them to accomplish such an impressive feat, they utilized a variety of Tamco Paint's products including Bluetiful Metallic paint as well as Slick Silver Metallic and HC4105 Extra Slow Glamour Clearcoat! These products gave their project the perfect finishing touch needed in order for it to stand out from all other competitors. 

Painter: Brandon Bass

Texas Distributor: Jose Mendoza

Tamco Products used for this look:

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

Bluetiful metallicCustom colorHc4105Slick silver