When it comes to custom automotive jobs, the paint job can make all the difference. And Richard Kyle's use of Monroe Pink is a perfect example of how the right color can completely transform the look and feel of a car. Monroe Pink is a beautiful shade that gives a car a unique and striking appearance, and the finished product of RK Customs automotive job is truly a sight to behold.
Painter: Richard Kyle
Shop: RK Custom Paint
Car Owner: Alexander
Tamco Products used for this look:
- HR397 or HR397W Wax & Grease Remover
- HR398 Final Wipe
- HP5310 Grey DTM Primer ( tinted to a dark grey with Black toner)
- DTM Primer reduced as sealer
- Monroe Pink
- HR Reducers
- HC2104 High Solids Clearcoat
- Tamco T-Cups - Spray gun cup liner system
Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products: