Prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking transformation of this Chevrolet, adorned with the vibrant and harmonious colors of Tamco Paint. The combination of Tamgerine Pearl and Blizzard of Oz White Pearl creates a mesmerizing effect that instantly catches the eye. Under the skillful hands of Austin Bochman, this ordinary Chevrolet has been elevated into a true masterpiece of automotive art.

The choice of colors highlights Austin's impeccable talent and craftsmanship, as he flawlessly brings out the unique personality of the vehicle. The Tamgerine Pearl adds a burst of energy and radiance, while the Blizzard of Oz White Pearl adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. The result is a truly captivating ride that turns heads wherever it goes.

Painter: Austin Bochman

Tamco Products used for this look:

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

Blizzard of ozzCustom colorHc4105Hr reducerTamgerineTamgerine pearlUrethane reducersWhiteWhite pearl