Tamco Basecoats cover well, all 100% acrylic urethane. Is is a very high end, excellent covering basecoat. 1:1 mix ratio, urethane grade reducer. We can do all oem paint codes. Including very old models that most struggle with. Follow the instruction on the website under each product to customize colors.
Tamco also offers a incredible high gloss single stage system. We use various clears as the base to create our single stage like. So if you love 2104, we can make you a 2104 single stage black, if you want a 2 hour single stage, we can make a 7600 version of white, etc etc. These are special order, you have to email or call the above info for something special like that.
If you want a 20 year paint system. That can go on the bottom of a boat, or a plane, we can use our HI Impactclear We do this because we have proved that it makes single stages incredibly glossy, they look they they have been clearcoated, they cut and buff likeclearcoatstoo.