Tamco Paint 1973 Chevrolet Belair Blizzard of Ozz Gold Pearl
Blizzard of Ozz Gold Pearl Chevrolet Belair

Bobby Wartman’s restoration of this 1973 Chevrolet Belair is a stunning example of craftsmanship, achieved with Tamco products. The process began with HR397 or HR397W  Wax & Grease Remover and HR398 Final Wipe for surface preparation, followed by HP663 White Epoxy Primer and HP662 Black Epoxy Primer for a durable base. HP5312 White DTM Primers set the stage for two coats of Blizzard Of Ozz Gold Pearl and Courage Red accents. The finish was perfected with HC895 Intercoat & Clearcoat and sealed with three coats of HC2104 High Solids Clearcoat, delivering unmatched depth and gloss. This transformation highlights Bobby’s expertise and the exceptional quality of Tamco materials.

Owner: Lee Sawyer

Painter: Bobby Wartman

Tamco Products used for this look: 

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:  

Blizzard of ozzClearcoatCourage redEpoxyGold pearlHc2104Hc895OptimizedTinypng