Tamco Paint You Cant Sit With Us MotorCycle

It’s always great to see our different products interacting well with each other and creating unique results! Mike Royal utilized a bunch of our products on this motorcycle that resulted in a sophisticated and eye-catching sportster!

Installer: Mike Royal


Products needed for this look:

- You Cant Sit With Us Pink Metallic

- Purple Pop Pearl

- Total Grapeness

- Candy Punk Rock Pink Concentrate

- Brush FX Pinstriping Pallet Me Pink

Optional but recommended products: 

Finishing & Polishing Products

-HR397 Wax & Grease Remover Or HR397W (Waterbased version)

-HR398 Final Wipe (anti static & light cleaning)

-Tamco T-Cups - Spray gun cup liner system


All products needed to recreate this look is available by clicking the above link! Tamco Paint provides high quality refinishing products for all jobs, whether custom paint, restoration, industrial, collision, or DIY!


Brush fxCandyCustom colorPallet me pinkPunk rock pinkPurple pop pearlTotal grapenessYou cant sit with us pink metallic