Tamco Paint HC2104 Dragster Car

Check out this stunningly created dragster car! Aside from the beautiful look of this ride, this dragster car is driven by a 9 year old Natalie Angell who has been in racing for 3 years now! Amazing! The colors on this 2021 American Jr Dragster were achieved using our You Cant Sit With Us Pink Metallic and Violent Violette! If you want to follow the adventures of this talented kid and Feisty Mouse dragster ride, just go to @ the Adventures of Feisty Mouse!

Installer:  The Adventures Of Feisty Mouse

Clearcoat: HC2104 High Solids Clearcoat

Products needed for this look:

- You Cant Sit With Us Pink Metallic

- Violent Violette

- HC-895 Intercoat & Clearcoat

- HR-1370 Med Urethane Reducer

- HH-3100 Primer Hardener

- HP-5310 DTM

- HH-7605

- HR-397 Wax & Grease Remover

Optional but recommended products: 

-Finishing & Polishing Products

-HR397 Wax & Grease Remover Or HR397W (Waterbased version)

-HR398 Final Wipe (anti static & light cleaning)

-Tamco T-Cups - Spray gun cup liner system


All products needed to recreate this look is available by clicking the above link! Tamco Paint provides high quality refinishing products for all jobs, whether custom paint, restoration, industrial, collision, or DIY!

Custom colorHc895Hh-3100Hh7605Hp5310Hr-1370Hr397Violent violetteYou cant sit with us pink metallic