Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles
Harley Davidson Green motorcycles

Harley Davidson motorcycles have long been a symbol of freedom and adventure, but one particular Harley is taking that symbolism to the next level. Stuart Ellis unveiled his custom-painted Harley Davidson motorcycle in an eye-catching shade of green that has everyone talking. The bike was painted using Tamco Paint's Shamrock Green and Toxicity, topped with HC2104 High Solids Clearcoat for a glossy finish.


Painter: Stuart Ellis

Tamco Products used for this look: 

Optional but recommended Tamco Paint products:

#optimized#tamcogroundupDtmEpoxyHc2104Hr reducerHr397Hr398PrimerShamrock greenTamco t cupsToxicityUrethane reducers